After University Canceled American Sniper Showing, Football Coach Harbaugh Made This Announcement

By on April 11, 2015 is why I love Jim Harbaugh.  He does what is right, regardless of the “higher-ups” decide.  This is what a true leader does.

Shortly after coach Harbaughs tweet, the University of Michigan reversed course and said their decision to cancel the screening was wrong.

University of Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh announced on Twitter Wednesday night that his team will hold a screening of

University of Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh announced on Twitter Wednesday night that his team will hold a screening of “American Sniper” after the school pulled a showing when some students called it “anti-Muslim.”

“Michigan Football will watch ‘American Sniper’! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!” the coach tweeted to his nearly quarter-of-a-million followers.

The overwhelming response seemed positive.

@CoachJim4UM Wow! You really are the man coach! I have so much respect for this statement!! Go Blue! read the rest of the post….

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